Category: Uncategorized

  • Plotting Games-Howell ANOVA post hoc differences in R

    I am a regular reader of the Statistics by Jim blog and the motivation for my post stems from a comment I answered on one of his blog posts. Background: Classic One-Way, Welch ANOVA, and post hoc tests One of his recent posts discussed using a Welch’s ANOVA to the ‘Classic’ One-Way ANOVA. For those…

  • Empowering your intern & job search with informational interviews

    Many students ask me for help with finding internships and jobs. Most of the time, they specifically ask about resume reviews and job leads. Getting another set of eyes on your resume and portfolios is important, and I’m happy to help when I can. However, I cannot stress the importance of taking self-empowering actions that…

  • Who is the Social State?

    If you ever want to catch my ear, just start talking about government use of social media.  It is a fascinating cornucopia of opportunities for applied research and practical policy work.  This thought-provoking post by Katherine Barrett & Richard Greene over on Governing motivated me to post my first blog topic, to continue this conversation into…